I feel the drive, the energy, the determination slowly dissipating. The lethargy, the defeat, the frustrating indifference slowly seeping in to refill their void. I feel I’m losing my resolve, losing my focus, losing my will to continue forward, to remain strong. I feel the shackles of weight gain and I can’t help but wonder just where this is coming from.
Why now, why this change… with a bigger question screaming within… what if I can’t overcome this? What if today continues on through tomorrow, and tomorrow into next week? What if yesterday was actually the last day of my control, of my quest for health, of my semblance of self control still somewhat resting within my hands?
I’ve worked so hard, for so long. I’ve fought this particular battle for almost two years now. Yet, in the past, I have always failed. I have always fallen off the wagon, I have always gained all the weight back and ended up back at square one, defeated, and usually with a few extra pounds in tow.
It always happens, it’s just a matter of time.
I just really didn’t want it to happen again this time.
This time, this quest, I’ve not allowed it to just be about the weight. I’ve forced myself to deal with my health and myself, all of myself, from inside out. Mind, body, and soul. I’ve made myself open doors, expose skeletons, wrestle demons, and begin slowly destroying the walls of my own unobtainable expectations, one little brick at a time.
The wall I’ve built around myself over the last forty-three years is stacked so high with my expectations, my perfections (or lack there of), my misconceptions. It just gets higher and higher, mortared and anchored tight by the fear, and anxiety, and control issues associated simply by believing the whisper that’s always telling me I have never been enough.
I’ve never been popular enough, smart enough, thin enough, athletic enough, pretty enough, quiet enough, graceful enough. I’ve never been a stellar wife, or mom, or daughter, or friend. I’ve probably always gotten an A for effort, but always fallen just short of actually achieving the final grade.
So, here I sit tonight, again at the crossroads, at the precipice of wanting to hold on just a little longer while also wanting to jump ship all together. I’m one of those who has no in between. It’s all in or all out. This falls true in every aspect of my life. Food, alcohol, exercise… just to name a few. I cannot allow myself an inch, because I’ll fall a mile and then some. And I fall quick and I fall hard.
I’ve been fighting the “falling off” moment for a long time. Heck I’ve been fighting the “falling off” moment since before I even got on, before I got the courage and gumption to even get started. I can go back and read and remember time and again that I’ve been here, on this same strugglebus heavy with anticipation and dread.
Yes, I have stood here time and time again. Yes, I have allowed this be the defining moment of defeat time and time again. Yes, I have fought this to not be that moment time and time again over the past two year.
I want this time to be different. I really and honestly do. I want to succeed long term this time. I want to love myself fully, as fully as God loves me. I want to be enough for myself, as I know God created me, in His very imagine, and called me good… no, not just good… He created me and called me very good. If God created me to be enough in His eyes, why in the world is it so hard for me to be enough in my own eyes?
I’ve continued to hold on, continued to dig in my nails, and inch along “just a few more days” now for over a year. I scroll back though photos of a year ago, through blog posts and social media posts from a year ago… and I am not as on point, on course, die hard, dedicate, determined as I was then. I’m still plodding along, but the sparkle is fading. The glitter and glitz and glam is growing dangerously dim.
I’m faced yet again with the choice to either wake up tomorrow and seize another day, or sleep in and allow myself to slip just a little bit farther down this slippery slippery slop that I’m already losing my footing on. Do I wake up and make myself get out there before dawn, or wake up and pass on the goal, pass on the reality at hand, pass on the hope of tomorrow, pass on the promise of today, pass on the improvement over yesterday?
“To be or not to be, that is the question...” I believe is one of those famous quotes I would have to google search to give proper credit to. It’s late and I’ll leave that up to you, and my apologies for whomever I am not giving proper credit to.
Not giving proper credit to… Interesting concept. I think about this a little… I type these words again… Not giving proper credit to… I stop and really look at these words, realizing it’s not just about some random person who stated the above quote one day, but also it’s to myself, and even more importantly, it’s to God that I’m also not giving proper credit to. I have done the work, put in the miles, logged the food points, continued to work through the inner junk now for two years - and in reality it is a little silly to consider that one rough night, one night of depression and weakness might be just enough to turn me back around and allow me to quit, allow me to throw it all away.
I need to look beyond myself, beyond my lack and my insecurities and also see all that God has given me in this season, all that He has blessed me with in this journey right now, all He has brought me to and through over the past two years. Here I am all worried and upset about letting myself down, but it’s really God that is the one I’d also be letting down, if I just turn the perspective around - away from myself. He’s the one pushing me and pulling me along, ever so gently, ever so graciously, ever so lovingly. He has created and crafted me, He has given me gifts and talents, He has given me purpose and reason, He has given me undue forgiveness, repeated and unnecessary second chances. I must remember to give Him credit due, as I stumble and flounder just a little.
I can’t do this on my own, and it’s tough moments like right now that remind me of that, and I’m grateful. Grateful for the inner whisper, grateful for the promise of better, grateful for the reality of forever. Forever in Heaven, away from the sin of the world, away from the insecurities and imperfections. Grateful the trials of tonight will just continue to mold me and melt me and reshape me more and more into that which I was actually created and intended to be.
They say there won’t be sadness in Heaven. Or sickness, or weariness, or false realities. I’m also hoping there won’t be treadmills and diets and calories and weight watchers meeting in Heaven either. But all joking aside… tonight I am struggling, and I admit it. And I know I’m not the only one. I’m sure there is a sea of us right now with heavy hearts and weary souls, not wanting to get up and tackle another day tomorrow. We want to give up, check out, take the easy road and just call it good enough. But we also know that good enough never actually is good enough.
But why can’t it be? Why can’t good enough just simply be enough?
Oh goodness, this is all starting to make my mind hurt. My eyes are heavy, and I'm just too tired to keep caring, to keep fighting it all, to keep fighting myself. I have been stumbling over this damn fallen log of being "enough" my entire life. You would honestly think at some point I would finally figure out how to just cut it up in little pieces and remove it entirely... but I can't. No matter what I do, I still have to fall into, climb over, shimmy around, and jump down from this obstacle blocking the yellow brick road on my journey to oz.
I desperately want to be able to do it all, and be it all, and have it all... all by myself... but I can't. So I shall simply close my mind and open my heart and admit I can't do this all on my own. And well... I don't need to. I don't need to do it all on my own. I have a mighty God behind me, before me, beside me, rooting and cheering me on. And I have a small tribe of friends and family who love me beyond comprehension and are also waving me along as I continue down this path, on this one single life that I have been given.
I am weary. My heart is heavy. But, I am grateful.
{ Previous Blog post "Go The Extra Mile" HERE }
{ Next Blog Post "First Day of the 2nd Half of the Year HERE }
I desperately want to be able to do it all, and be it all, and have it all... all by myself... but I can't. So I shall simply close my mind and open my heart and admit I can't do this all on my own. And well... I don't need to. I don't need to do it all on my own. I have a mighty God behind me, before me, beside me, rooting and cheering me on. And I have a small tribe of friends and family who love me beyond comprehension and are also waving me along as I continue down this path, on this one single life that I have been given.
I am weary. My heart is heavy. But, I am grateful.
{ Previous Blog post "Go The Extra Mile" HERE }
{ Next Blog Post "First Day of the 2nd Half of the Year HERE }